Wednesday 21 November 2012

What comes next?

What comes next? on PhotoPeach

In Room 4 we are learning about repeating patterns. We created some patterns with our maths equipment. Can you guess what the next thing in our patterns will be?

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Solar Eclipse

Today there was a solar eclipse. This means that the moon blocked the sun from the Earth. We had to look through special glasses to see it because it can hurt your eyes if you look straight at the sun. The sun looked like an orange cresent moon through the glasses.

We made a video to show what happens in an eclipse.

Solar Eclipse

Today there was a solar eclipse. The moon didn't block out the whole sun in New Zealand but it did in Australia. You can see a cool video of it here...Total solar eclipse: Today is last until 2015

Thursday 25 October 2012

Goodbye Ruka

Today we are saying goodbye to Ruka because he is moving to Australia. We will miss the way that he always comes to school with a smile on his face and plays nicely with everyone. Have a great time in Australia Ruka!

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Solar Panels

We went on a hunt to find the school solar panels. Niall told us that they were on the library so we checked all over the roof. When we got to the north side of the library we found them!!!

Wednesday 12 September 2012


Have a look at what we have been doing for our production "Colour Our World". We are really excited about doing our three performances this week.

There will be more photos coming so keep an eye on the blog.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Jump Jam

We have been doing Jump Jam with the syndicate and in our class. We love moving and grooving to the music and learning new routines.

Friday 31 August 2012


Daffodil Day on Photo Peach

We had heaps of fun on Daffodil Day making daffodils with our buddies in Room 12!

Friday 10 August 2012

Class Award!

Today we got the Class Award in Assembly. We got it from Mrs Paton because she saw how hard we have been working in Room 4 when she came to teach us this week. Thank you Mrs Paton.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Mud Fun

Some of the people in Room 4 got creative with mud at lunchtime. Niketa said "We made 11 birdsnests. We used mud and grass. It was fun!". Kahn found some worms in the mud and they made a home for them too.

Thursday 28 June 2012

Transport in Term 2

This term Room 4 has been learning about transport. We have had a lot of exciting experiences including visitors, wheels day and a trip to Te Rapa Road.

Monday 11 June 2012

KC Kids at KC Clubs

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook
Create your own scrapbook - Powered by Smilebox
Scrapbook customized with Smilebox

All of the Junior Syndicate children attend KC Clubs on Friday afternoons. We spend two weeks at each club. The clubs include Jump Jam, Te Reo Kori, ICT, music, gymnastics and art. We love KC Club!

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Smile! on PhotoPeach

After reading the big book "Smile!" said Dad, we decided to try to take our own photos. We took them of each other on the playground. It took a bit of practice but in the end we got some fantastic photos!

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Shapes are EVERYWHERE!!!

Shapes are EVERYWHERE!!! on PhotoPeach

We have been learning about shapes and how to take photos. We went on a hunt around the classroom for different shapes then took photos of what we found.

Friday 11 May 2012

Book Fair Week - Dress-up Day

We all dressed up today as characters from books. We had some princesses, a tiger, a skeleton, a ninja turtle and lots, lots more. We have had fun wearing our costumes and celerating the Book Fair!

Thursday 26 April 2012

Our New Teacher

This term we have a new teacher in Room 4.

Miss McLay-Boyd has come to Vardon from Wellington and she is really excited to be working with all of the amazing children in our class.

We can't wait to show her what fantastic learners we are!

Friday 30 March 2012


My artwork

Room 4 did some art about tabloids. This is my artwork. It took a very small time. Do you like it? My buddy does!!!

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Swimming sports

I am floating on my back with my flutter board. We got to do a starfish. We also got to dive in the water and I had fun. Room 4 likes to swim in the pool.


Koston and his friends pulled the rope.said Nassie.
This is me floting on my tummy. by Tyra
 I was running with the sponge of water said Medina.
                                             I swim like a mermaid chanel said.
I can swim like a shark said Jemma

Monday 26 March 2012

The seniors got sore skin doing the tug of war said Kahn
"We marched in our teams to tabloid sports," said Masyn.
"I was sharing my poster to the class and I liked running with the water sponge," said Medina.

tabloids sports

"The balls bounced on the parachute when we lifted it up," said Niall.

tabilods day

"We lifted the parachute up and down" said Cameron.


Ashley-Jade said "we held the parachute tightly and lifted it up with the balls".

Tabloid sports

"All the children lifled up the parachute and then went under, it was so fun,  ' said  Troy.


 "The big kids pulled the rope over the cone" said Cloe

Wednesday 14 March 2012

tablods sports

At tabloids Niketa wached her brother Caleb pull the rope hard :)

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Wonderful Room 4 Learners

Room 4 Vardon School 2012

Kia ora
We are a group of fantastic 5 year olds and Mrs Anderson is our teacher.  In Room 4 there is Kahn, Cameron, Niall, Troy, Ruka, Cloe, Jemma, Niketa, Tatiana, Masyn,  Medina, Ashley - Jade, Chanel, Nassie, Tyra- Leigh and Taylor.  We also have Whaea Jane, Karen and Elma to help us with our learning. We really enjoy school and every afternoon we love to go swimming in our school pool. We will share our learning with you, so keep checking our Blog.