Tuesday 14 February 2012

Wonderful Room 4 Learners


  1. Hi Room 4
    It's so great to see your blog up and running, especially with your wonderful photo of all your smiling faces!
    I can't wait to find out what you are learning about!
    Mrs Natusch

  2. Chayse
    Hello Room 4. It's so great to see you having a a time! I hope you have one whacking great year! You are an awesome group of kids.I would like to say hi to Tatiana, my buddy.
    For all of the kids in room 4:
    Room 4, room 4
    you are so cool.
    You are a great class,
    must be wonderful to be you.
    Kids that play with you,
    Must have a whole lot of fun.
    Because of one reason:
    Your class is No. 1!
