Wednesday 16 May 2012

Shapes are EVERYWHERE!!!

Shapes are EVERYWHERE!!! on PhotoPeach

We have been learning about shapes and how to take photos. We went on a hunt around the classroom for different shapes then took photos of what we found.


  1. Hi room 4
    I like your photos that you took of your shapes!
    I was wondering....How do you take a good photo?
    Mrs Natusch

    1. Hi Mrs Natusch,

      Thank you for your comments. To take a good photo you need to find what you want to take a photo of and put it in the middle of the screen. Then you need to hold you hand really still and keep your fingers away from the lens. Once you have it nice and still you press the red button.

      We will look for others shapes outside to take photos of and show them to you.

      From Room 4

  2. To room4

    We loved watching your shape video. You have discovered a lot of shapes in your classroom. Can you find some new shapes at your house? What shapes can you see in a car? Perhaps you could draw some shapes and colour them in and label them for us to display in our classroom.

    From room 10

  3. Hi room 4 it's me La-eeqah from room 10 I liked your shapes video. Whats your favorite shape mine is the love heart. By La-eqah.
