Thursday 26 April 2012

Our New Teacher

This term we have a new teacher in Room 4.

Miss McLay-Boyd has come to Vardon from Wellington and she is really excited to be working with all of the amazing children in our class.

We can't wait to show her what fantastic learners we are!


  1. Welcome to Vardon School Miss McLay-Boyd! You will enjoy working with the KC kids in Room 4. It is really good to have you teaching in the Junior Syndicate!
    From Mrs Scott

  2. Room 8 welcomes you to Vardon School. We think you look fun and happy and have noticed you are always smiling.
    We hope you enjoy being at our school.
    What are your hobbies?

    From Room 8

    1. Hi Room 8,

      Thank you for your welcome. Hopefully I will get a chance to meet all of you sometime soon.
      I really enjoy working at Vardon School and I am already involved in Jump Jam which is really exciting.
      My main hobby is Netball. I have an adult team that I coach and I also play for another team. I play WA and C so I do a lot of running around!

      From Miss McLay-Boyd
