Wednesday 21 November 2012

What comes next?

What comes next? on PhotoPeach

In Room 4 we are learning about repeating patterns. We created some patterns with our maths equipment. Can you guess what the next thing in our patterns will be?

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Solar Eclipse

Today there was a solar eclipse. This means that the moon blocked the sun from the Earth. We had to look through special glasses to see it because it can hurt your eyes if you look straight at the sun. The sun looked like an orange cresent moon through the glasses.

We made a video to show what happens in an eclipse.

Solar Eclipse

Today there was a solar eclipse. The moon didn't block out the whole sun in New Zealand but it did in Australia. You can see a cool video of it here...Total solar eclipse: Today is last until 2015

Thursday 25 October 2012

Goodbye Ruka

Today we are saying goodbye to Ruka because he is moving to Australia. We will miss the way that he always comes to school with a smile on his face and plays nicely with everyone. Have a great time in Australia Ruka!

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Solar Panels

We went on a hunt to find the school solar panels. Niall told us that they were on the library so we checked all over the roof. When we got to the north side of the library we found them!!!

Wednesday 12 September 2012


Have a look at what we have been doing for our production "Colour Our World". We are really excited about doing our three performances this week.

There will be more photos coming so keep an eye on the blog.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Jump Jam

We have been doing Jump Jam with the syndicate and in our class. We love moving and grooving to the music and learning new routines.